The international allure of national parks

The international allure of national parks

The idea of setting aside land back in 1872 has spread into a movement across the world. When a nation creates a national park, it is a gift to the globe. Yellowstone Falls in Yellowstone National Park. Photo by Gene Gibbons.  This article was produced exclusively for...

From caviar to conservation: Saving the Atlantic sturgeon

From caviar to conservation: Saving the Atlantic sturgeon

To bring a fish back from the brink of extinction, people must push for protection over pollution. An Atlantic sturgeon. (Credit: Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control)  This article, by high school student Annette Khosravi, was produced...

Student author Annette Khosravi from ND school partner The Tatnall School delves into the world of conservation in this piece about saving the Atlantic sturgeon. Highlighting News Decoder’s mission to connect the local to the global, this text serves as an example of how local activism may lead to widespread positive impacts.

Exercise: Ask students to look into the environmental and social organizations in your local community. What types of local groups could they contribute to? What is the broader significance of civic engagement? After completing their research, students should each come up with and present a 90-second “elevator pitch” for the organization they researched, including a specific call to action for others to get involved.

From refuse to reuse: Removing plastic from the table

From refuse to reuse: Removing plastic from the table

To keep plastics out of the waste system, Ved Krishna decided to change the way food service products were made. Yash Pakka founder Ved Krishna. Photo courtesy of Ved Krishna. This article, by author Samaya Chauhan, was a Silver Prize winner in the Climate Champion...

This article, from youth author Samaya Chauhan of India, won a Silver Prize in our Climate Champion Profiles Challenge, organized in partnership with Global Youth & News Media. Samaya profiles Ved Krishna, an entrepreneur and innovator who sees climate solutions in the ordinary and quotidian.

Exercise: Divide students into groups of two to three. In these groups, have them brainstorm items they use every day that may contribute to climate change. Examples may include: cell phone, water bottle, pieces of clothing, backpack, etc. How might these everyday, commonplace items be re-conceptualized so they support positive climate action? Look back to Ved Krishna’s profile for inspiration. 
