About us

News Decoder is the educational services unit of Nouvelles-Découvertes, a French nonprofit association under the law of 1901, whose mission is to inform young people about international relations with tolerance, objectivity and broad vision.

Our mission

News Decoder is a global educational news service for young people founded in 2015. Our mission is to help young people develop internationally-recognized global citizenship competencies, including the ability to communicate to global audiences, appreciate diverse perspectives, think critically about global issues and identify solutions to local, national and global problems. Learn more about our history here.

What we do

Through past and present partnerships with 22 schools in 18 countries on five continents, News Decoder teaches journalism, media literacy and global citizenship skills that help young people better understand complex international issues.

Our educational services include mentoring by professional journalists, training workshops in pitching and interviewing, webinars on global issues, e-learning courses and handbooks on reporting and writing.

Why we do it

Tackling the multiple, interconnected challenges of the 21st century requires savvy, informed and responsible global citizens.

News Decoder approaches this in a unique way: we use journalism training and news literacy to nurture the skills, knowledge and values that students need to cooperate in resolving the great global challenges of our time, including conflict, poverty, sustainability and climate change.

By supporting young people to think like journalists — interrogating information sources, considering all sides of an argument and examining context and precedent — we help them to become critical-thinking, responsible media consumers and creators.

By deepening their understanding of the news and facilitating interactions with experts, we help them develop a sophisticated, nuanced understanding of the political, economic and social dimensions of global issues.

By fostering international, cross-cultural collaborations between young people, we help to instill universal values, intercultural awareness and respect for both diversity and our common humanity.

These qualities are the foundation of global citizenship. They are also transferable to multiple occupations and help to equip our students for success in whatever career they choose.

Who we are

Learn more about our team, our correspondents, our supporters and our program and media partners.


Qui sommes-nous?

News Decoder est une activité de Nouvelles-Découvertes, association loi 1901 à but non lucratif. Nouvelles-Découvertes a comme objectifs:

  • Promouvoir l’éducation et l’information des jeunes de par le monde au sujet des grands thèmes d’actualité internationale;
  • Diffuser et échanger des textes, articles de presse et/ou d’information, de photographies, de vidéos, de graphiques et d’autres moyens d’information, existants ou à venir, sur ces grands thèmes d’actualité sur tous supports On ou Offline;
  • Organiser, animer et produire des événements et des manifestations facilitant les échanges entres citoyens de différentes régions du monde afin de promouvoir la compréhension et le respect mutuel;
  • Créer un forum et des plateformes de diffusion d’information favorisant la libre expression d’idées et de perspectives, toujours avec tolérance, objectivité et une vision large.

RN W751229654 (Inscrit le 4 juin 2015)


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