by Robert Holloway | 18 Dec 2018 | Europe
France’s “gilets jaunes” movement has forced President Macron to offer concessions. And the yellow vests are sending shock waves across Europe. French President Emmanuel Macron (C) assesses damage after “yellow vest” protests in Paris, France, 2...
by Robert Holloway | 3 Feb 2022 | Europe, Government, Politics
French voters may have their minds on other matters ahead of April’s election, but President Emmanuel Macron stands firmly for a strong Europe. French President Emmanuel Macron at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 19 January 2022 (Bertrans Guay,...
by Claire Wang | 28 Nov 2019 | Contest winners, Economy, Europe, France, Politics, School Year Abroad, Student Posts, Youth Voices
I thought yellow vest protesters in France were a uniform group of angry radicals. But I talked to citizens and discovered it’s much more complicated. A newspaper stand burned down by protesters in France (photo by Claire Wang) This piece tied for first prize in...
by Ella Steinhilber | 19 Mar 2019 | Europe, Nationalism, Politics, School Year Abroad, Student Posts
“Yellow vests” protests have rocked France for months. We watched angry demonstrators march in Brittany — proof the movement is national in scope. Saturday after Saturday since last November, France has seen protesters take to the streets in...
by Robert Hart | 11 Mar 2019 | Europe, Nationalism, Spain
A far-right party has emerged in Spain and is gaining strength as the European Union struggles with Brexit and euro-sceptics in other member states. Opposition protesters wave Spanish flags during a rally in Madrid, 10 February 2019 (EPA-EFE/Luca Piergiovanni) Still...