by News Decoder | 12 Dec 2023 | Education, European School Brussels, Journalism, News Decoder Updates, Realgymnasium Rämibühl Zürich, School Year Abroad, Student Posts, Tatnall School, Youth Voices
For the 14th News Decoder Storytelling Competition, the winning stories tackled human trafficking, river conservation and climate change. In its first year of working with News Decoder, the Tatnall School in the U.S. state of Delaware took both first and second prizes...
by Marcy Burstiner | 9 May 2023 | Contests, Hewitt, Journalism, Realgymnasium Rämibühl Zürich, School Year Abroad, Youth Voices
Dogs abused, refugees who struggle, unequal abortion access, menstrual products too costly and unsafe medical implants. These stories topped the competition. Two stories tied for first prize in News Decoder’s 13th Storytelling Contest. A story by Emily Yang of...
by Marcy Burstiner | 12 Dec 2022 | Contests, Hewitt, News Decoder Updates, Podcasts, Realgymnasium Rämibühl Zürich, SOS-HGIC, Youth Voices
Two articles, a podcast and a personal essay — the winners of our latest Storytelling Contest come from three schools on three continents. Luis Eberl of Realgymnasium Rämibühl in Zurich (RGZH) has won first prize in News Decoder’s 12th Storytelling Contest for...
by Nelson Graves | 18 May 2018 | Contests, News Decoder Updates, Youth Voices
Students at King’s Academy, Westover School, La Jolla Country Day School and Thacher School have won News-Decoder’s writing contest. Photo by Madeleine Steele Students at King’s Academy in Jordan, Westover School in Connecticut and La Jolla Country...
by Savannah Jenkins | 18 Dec 2019 | Contests, Indiana University, News Decoder Updates, School Year Abroad, Thacher School
Claire Wang and Christine Fernando win first prize in News-Decoder’s Storytelling Contest with articles on French protests and U.S. immigration. story telling contest U5 Natural disaster at feild storytelling contest storytelling contest bullet storytelling...