Comments on: Even NGOs can have political leanings. So, follow the money. A global educational news service for young people Thu, 20 Jul 2023 08:11:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: carlos Mazal Fri, 18 Dec 2020 21:28:54 +0000 Absolutely. “Follow the money”. And while you do, go all the way and determine who will benefit financially and politically. Humankind is guided by many noble objectives. And power. The new paradigm is between imperfect representative democracy, in which we delegate our will and trust to those we elect at all levels, and secretive, opaque, unelected and unaccountable NGOs- non profits who believe in direct action and , when closely scrutinized and confronted, are authoritarian. Ask them to choose between the difficult road of democracy and it’s many shortcomings or raw power to “save” whatever they see as their objective regardless of other’s opinions. You would be surprised. So you need to wonder how would they behave if they had decision-making power with no accountability. Those I describe are the corporate ones. The other tier are the ones disguised as NGO but all they represent are the nostalgic times of perished ideologies which failed. Follow the ????.
