
King’s College London students have formed a News-Decoder club.

By Nelson Graves

Students at King’s College London have written a package of articles on politics and public policy that we will be publishing in coming days and which represent the second such team effort for News-Decoder after a recent series of stories by students at Indiana University on guns in America.

Students at both universities have created News-Decoder clubs that encourage discussion and debate of the world’s most important issues. The clubs are part of our network of young people around the world who are keen to learn from each other and from News-Decoder experts.kcl-logo (2)

The articles by the King’s College London (KCL) students include a series on crucial elections to take place in Europe in coming months, on a proposed ban on the Islamic burqa in Germany and on the future of Obamacare in the United States.

The KCL club has been spearheaded by Emma Bapt, who interned at News-Decoder last summer, and Ruben Tjon-A-Meeuw, both of whom have written for us.

Their counterparts in the leadership of the Indiana University News-Decoder club are Rae McFadden and Diana Sokolova, both of whom are student ambassadors and who contributed to the package on guns in America.

The KCL package will feature stories on:

  • Pivotal elections this year in France, Germany and the Netherlands (by Pietro Capece Galeotta)
  • An overview of France’s presidential elections (Gaétan Perdoux), profiles of candidates Marine Le Pen (Clara Piacenza) and Emmanuel Macron (Justine Guérin), and a fact box outlining the leading candidates’ positions (Lukas Jansen).
  • An article on a bill supported by German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s to ban the burqa in certain circumstances in Germany (Mehdi Bleil).
  • The future of Obamacare — the health care law passed during the administration of ex-U.S. President Barack Obama (Steve Helmeci).GOA logo

We will launch the KCL package this week, when News-Decoder is also busy engaging with more than 1,200 students enrolled in a mini-course on fake news organized by Global Online Academy.

News-Decoder has arranged to have media specialists Elaine Monaghan and Peter Bale address the students, who are located around the world, in live video hookups that are part of the special two-week course on the impact of fake news on Western democracies.

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WorldEuropeStudents at King’s College London tackle big issues