by Rafiullah Nikzad | 9 Jun 2023 | Asia, Educators' Catalog, Health and Wellness, Human Rights, Women
The Taliban are pressuring female nurses in Afghanistan to quit, further intensifying a medical and humanitarian crisis there. Afghan nurses wait to receive their salaries outside an administrating office at the Indira Gandhi Children’s Hospital, in Kabul,...
ND writer Rafiullah Nikzad shares the perspective of female nurses in Afghanistan, who are being pressured to quit the profession in large numbers. With the Taliban in power, Afghan women are facing growing limits to freedom and choice — with significant humanitarian consequences.
Exercise: This article hones in on a specific country and profession, serving as a case study of gender inequality in Afghanistan. Read the article together as a class, then discuss how issues of gender inequality affect your local community. Have students take a look at these infographics from UN Women to spark discussion. Which statistics are surprising? What are some actions that may be implemented in your local community (school, city, country) to achieve gender parity?
by Joyce Yang | 26 May 2023 | Faculty in the Spotlight, News Decoder Updates, Tatnall School
Carrie Simpson of The Tatnall School centers global awareness, activism and inquiry in her teaching. She wins this month’s Faculty Spotlight award. News Decoder’s faculty point person at The Tatnall School, Carrie Simpson. (Carrie Simpson) In the first year of...
by Sarah Edmonds | 22 May 2023 | Climate decoders, Decoders, Educators' Catalog, Environment, Writing's on the Wall
In the movies, the solution for global disasters comes at the nail-biting end. Not so in real life. It won’t be The Rock that saves this rock we live on. Dr. Ally Hextall, played by Jennifer Ehle, tries to save the world from a virus in the movie Contagion. ...
In the fight against climate change, technology is often seen as a panacea that absolves corporations and individuals of the responsibility to act. The narrative reads as follows: with new technology, we can continue to live as we always have, without reducing consumption and waste. In this latest Decoder, correspondent Sarah Edmonds explains why this is not at all the case.
Exercise: The article decodes several types of climate technologies making headlines now, notably: nuclear energy, solar power, carbon capture, hydrogen and wind energy. Divide your class into five groups, each taking on one of these technologies to investigate. They should start with the information presented in the article, then conduct outside research online using reputable sources. Each group should then discuss the benefits and drawbacks of their assigned climate technology, and elect a spokesperson to share their findings with the class.
by Joyce Yang | 16 May 2023 | Greens Farms Academy, News Decoder Updates, Podcasts
As Hartwell’s term on News Decoder’s board concludes, we recognize her enduring contributions to our nonprofit and the world of education at large. News Decoder · Decoder Podcast: Janet Hartwell The Decoder Podcast typically features conversations with...
by Joyce Yang | 5 May 2023 | Podcasts, School Year Abroad, Students in the Spotlight, Youth Voices
For one American student in France, writing for publication is about processing the world around her — and stepping out of her comfort zone. News Decoder · Decoder Podcast: Clover Choi The Decoder Podcast features conversations with students about their experiences...