Comments on: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict in context A global educational news service for young people Thu, 26 Oct 2023 17:38:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janvier Mubano Fri, 20 Oct 2023 17:15:26 +0000 Yeah, the peace could be cultivated through listening to others’ advice and sit on conversation table because those countries had strong links considered to the last past but those who gave them fund to invest in war are hypocrite countries. The reason why UAS can involve in that war is not charity rather are the benefits which expect to fetch from those conflicted countries. Remember that Israel has high GDP and GNP and even the powered countries may do so for high interests. Let be attentive to receive the funds.

By: Janvier Mubano Fri, 20 Oct 2023 16:29:21 +0000 These then are the threats to peace and security in the Middle East. These are the regimes, the terrorist leaders and their followers, the ones who answer the call for compromise and conciliation with the policies of confrontation and conquest.

The Middle East peace process is not an easy road — but then building peace is never easy. Israelis know this too well; more Israelis have been killed since the Oslo talks began than during the previous year. Israel’s partners know of the risks and dangers as well, facing the rhetoric of rejection and hate, and the threats of retaliation. Yet the participants in the peace process continue because they believe that what King Hussein called the “unnatural” state of hostility and fear which has dominated the Middle East for half a century must come to an end. Hostility and fear are the deadly allies of those who reject peace. They must go.
