Saving people, fish and Alpine snow: Our story contest winners

Saving people, fish and Alpine snow: Our story contest winners

For the 14th News Decoder Storytelling Competition, the winning stories tackled human trafficking, river conservation and climate change. In its first year of working with News Decoder, the Tatnall School in the U.S. state of Delaware took both first and second prizes...

Studying an intelligent animal using artificial intelligence

Studying an intelligent animal using artificial intelligence

Lots of people watch whales. But telling males and females apart and one whale from another takes special expertise. One researcher is using AI to do that. A whale leaps out of the water. Credit: Josianne Bouffard  This article, by high school student Keya Dutt, was...

This piece, by youth correspondent Keya Dutt of News Decoder partner institution School Year Abroad, dives into the world of marine science and artificial intelligence. Through interviews with a veterinarian working with whales off the coast of Mozambique, the article discusses the implications of AI for experts trying to learn more about life under the sea.

Exercise: Artificial intelligence has varying effects on different groups of people. Help students adopt multiple perspectives by engaging in a “Circle of Viewpoints” activity after reading the article. In groups of five, students will each adopt a distinct persona to answer the following questions: Should artificial intelligence be allowed in secondary schools? What, if any, should be the limitations to using this tool? Personas may range from: student, school principal, parent/guardian, classroom teacher, AI developer in your local community. In each group, give students 10 minutes to independently brainstorm the pros and cons of using AI in the classroom, then 20-30 minutes to come to a consensus as a group. All groups should then share their final conclusions with the class and reflect on the process of adopting multiple perspectives.

From caviar to conservation: Saving the Atlantic sturgeon

From caviar to conservation: Saving the Atlantic sturgeon

To bring a fish back from the brink of extinction, people must push for protection over pollution. An Atlantic sturgeon. (Credit: Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control)  This article, by high school student Annette Khosravi, was produced...

Student author Annette Khosravi from ND school partner The Tatnall School delves into the world of conservation in this piece about saving the Atlantic sturgeon. Highlighting News Decoder’s mission to connect the local to the global, this text serves as an example of how local activism may lead to widespread positive impacts.

Exercise: Ask students to look into the environmental and social organizations in your local community. What types of local groups could they contribute to? What is the broader significance of civic engagement? After completing their research, students should each come up with and present a 90-second “elevator pitch” for the organization they researched, including a specific call to action for others to get involved.

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