Comments on: Women’s rights can be advanced under Islam A global educational news service for young people Wed, 12 Jul 2023 06:55:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Raghda Tue, 14 May 2019 11:46:35 +0000 In reply to Handsome Jack.

I think your point has essentially been disproved by the other comments on this article.

By: Spaceman3 Sat, 04 May 2019 10:23:47 +0000 In reply to George Apostolou.

Among many other examples of how Islam protects and empowers women, Islam gives women full rights to their property before and after marriage. Secular, republican France did not extend this right to women until 1935. Until then a French woman’s property became her husband’s upon marriage. Muhammad’s wife Khadijah was a successful businesswoman, and he worked for her before they married. She continued to manage her business as a married woman.

The women of the first Islamic community (which live and was governed according to much-maligned sharia law) demonstrated the multiple roles that women can and should fulfil – not only as wives and mothers, but also leaders, generals, scholars, educators, businesspeople, social workers… The stories of their lives show how independent and free-willed they were.

Islam also gives women the right to divorce, e.g. if a husband is violent or unable to fulfil his wife’s sexual needs.

It is sadly true that many Muslims and Muslim cultures do not uphold the ideals and principles of Islam regarding women, whether through ignorance or by choice. But Islam, the Quran and the hadith are not the source of the problem. (People often misquote the Islamic sources, distort their interpretation, or take them out of context in order to argue the opposite, but this is intellectual dishonesty.)

By: Hamza N Mon, 29 Apr 2019 07:23:24 +0000 This is article is highly inaccurate and doesn’t even begin to mention all the women fleeing from Saudi Arabia. If Islam was so great for women, I don’t think they would be risking their lives trying to escape to Western countries. Look at Rahaf Mohammad and Deena. Under Sharia law, a man can divorce his wife by saying Talaq 3 times. On the other hand a woman has to get permission from her husband for divorce, and if he says no, then they have to go to sharia court and go through a process of approval. Sharia court is run by men and almost always favors men, except in small rare cases. Also when it comes to polygamy, a man can have 4 wives and 1000 concubines, a woman on the other hand, can only be married to a single man. Where is the equality in here? This article was written by a Muslim so it’s ovciously biased.

By: George Apostolou Sat, 20 Apr 2019 03:50:18 +0000 Quite a ridiculous article. Islam most definitely represses women. The Quran and hadith are quite clear, as is shariah. One may pretend or wish that they say other than what they, in fact, do say, but very few Muslims would support or believe such nonsense. This is just one more attempt to hide the truth about Islam. As non-Muslims become more Islam-literate, islamists are having a harder time deceiving them. Yet they continue to try.

By: Handsome Jack Fri, 19 Apr 2019 10:51:50 +0000 And many apologists have misconceptions about the western perspective on islam and often oversimplify their views
