Comments on: Pope pushes “synodality” dialog to reform Catholic Church A global educational news service for young people Wed, 16 Nov 2022 11:10:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Udenta Agatha Fri, 06 May 2022 11:59:17 +0000 Having read the above on all that has to do with synod and synodality , I stand in support of the holy father and therefore,in support of synodality. From my own point of view, it’s going to be a better way of interpreting the gospel or the scripture to meet the signs of time in the present age. The church has suffered and still suffers and many youths are beginning to recent the churches life and teachings. So it will be nice if they be called back into the church by giving them a place for a better understanding and participation.when a human person’s value is recognized and upheld,her soul is easy to be gained

By: R Wed, 05 Jan 2022 17:32:06 +0000 Yes, Ria O’Neal I do agree. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! I Like ” It would do us all good if we would read and study that magnificent Book of the Bible , study, practice, give witness to Jesus’ teachings

By: Ria O’Neal Mon, 03 Jan 2022 15:23:18 +0000 Hi, I agree with you Elisabeth, but our church was founded 2000 years ago by Christ, God Himself. We are His institution and we follow His teachings, not the teaching of it’s members. After the Sermon on the Mount, a lot of followers left, because His teachings were ‘to hard’ and He asked His disciples whether they wanted to leave Him as well. His disciples answered Him : where shall we go?
A synod may be a good thing to get people interested in the the Catholic faith again, but it cannot change anything to Jesus’ s teachings He left us. Yes they are hard, but what else is there that keeps the human race from extinguishing itself. We can never have peace if we don’t live by His principles, not personally, not as a nation, nor as the world. We are Catholics because we believe in Jesus, His teaching and the fact that His Father send Him to us to save us from our sins by dying on the cross.
The Catholic Church is NOT and CAN NOT be a democratic institution, because we can NOT chance God’s Word.
It would do us all good if we would read and study that magnificent book of the Bible some more. A lot of things would become clear.

By: Kristina M. Finley Wed, 20 Oct 2021 15:22:58 +0000 In reply to Francis.

The Church itself was already perfect, the way Christ Himself created it. Then V2 happened and the progressives hijacked it, forcing their changes upon us. We just discovered the TLM a few months ago and I am angry. Angry that this beautiful gift was taken from us. Angry that it was suppressed in favor of inconsistent and watered down NO services. Angry that prayers were removed, words were changed, etc. The fruits of the NO have proven to be negative. 70% of Catholics don’t believe in the true presence of the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ in the Eucharist. Attendance is down. Many Catholics believe social justice, LGBT agendas, abortion, etc are all ok and should be accepted by the Church! This all goes against God’s plan. We need to go back to basics and back to Tradition. The Vatican needs to speak Truth and not be afraid of ruffling world feathers. God hates modernism. The Vatican is following laws of men instead of staying the course of God’s Word. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ. He has the authority, not the lay people.

By: Elizabeth Adams Thu, 05 Aug 2021 08:00:16 +0000 I agree with what Pope Francis is doing but I also think that the people are to be told if this Synod and more importantly have a part in it. As they say ‘too many chiefs and not enough Indians’. We should be all in this together under one faith with one Shepherd.

By: Francis Fri, 23 Jul 2021 21:25:15 +0000 In reply to Sally Doganieri.

Almighty GOD Calls us to be *Perfect*, Christ Our Lord Says, just as HE (Above every corruption/sin/deceit).

By: Sally Doganieri Thu, 03 Jun 2021 19:05:12 +0000 Sounds a little like the Senator who said “get into good trouble” re Civil Rights. The church is already broken and I see the hand of God in this movement. The church is the people, not just the hierarchy. Let’s pray and let the Holy Spirit lead. We need another outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In Saying this, I know the church will never be perfect. The Spirit will set us free. Just my opinion after checking with the Holy Spirit. Amen.
