When nurses cannot do their job

When nurses cannot do their job

The Taliban are pressuring female nurses in Afghanistan to quit, further intensifying a medical and humanitarian crisis there. Afghan nurses wait to receive their salaries outside an administrating office at the Indira Gandhi Children’s Hospital, in Kabul,...

ND writer Rafiullah Nikzad shares the perspective of female nurses in Afghanistan, who are being pressured to quit the profession in large numbers. With the Taliban in power, Afghan women are facing growing limits to freedom and choice — with significant humanitarian consequences.

Exercise: This article hones in on a specific country and profession, serving as a case study of gender inequality in Afghanistan. Read the article together as a class, then discuss how issues of gender inequality affect your local community. Have students take a look at these infographics from UN Women to spark discussion. Which statistics are surprising? What are some actions that may be implemented in your local community (school, city, country) to achieve gender parity?

Tag: women