From refuse to reuse: Removing plastic from the table

From refuse to reuse: Removing plastic from the table

To keep plastics out of the waste system, Ved Krishna decided to change the way food service products were made. Yash Pakka founder Ved Krishna. Photo courtesy of Ved Krishna. This article, by author Samaya Chauhan, was a Silver Prize winner in the Climate Champion...

This article, from youth author Samaya Chauhan of India, won a Silver Prize in our Climate Champion Profiles Challenge, organized in partnership with Global Youth & News Media. Samaya profiles Ved Krishna, an entrepreneur and innovator who sees climate solutions in the ordinary and quotidian.

Exercise: Divide students into groups of two to three. In these groups, have them brainstorm items they use every day that may contribute to climate change. Examples may include: cell phone, water bottle, pieces of clothing, backpack, etc. How might these everyday, commonplace items be re-conceptualized so they support positive climate action? Look back to Ved Krishna’s profile for inspiration. 

Decoder: Don’t expect technology to save the planet

Decoder: Don’t expect technology to save the planet

In the movies, the solution for global disasters comes at the nail-biting end. Not so in real life. It won’t be The Rock that saves this rock we live on. Dr. Ally Hextall, played by Jennifer Ehle, tries to save the world from a virus in the movie Contagion. ...

In the fight against climate change, technology is often seen as a panacea that absolves corporations and individuals of the responsibility to act. The narrative reads as follows: with new technology, we can continue to live as we always have, without reducing consumption and waste. In this latest Decoder, correspondent Sarah Edmonds explains why this is not at all the case.

Exercise: The article decodes several types of climate technologies making headlines now, notably: nuclear energy, solar power, carbon capture, hydrogen and wind energy. Divide your class into five groups, each taking on one of these technologies to investigate. They should start with the information presented in the article, then conduct outside research online using reputable sources. Each group should then discuss the benefits and drawbacks of their assigned climate technology, and elect a spokesperson to share their findings with the class.

Decoder: One day to celebrate a planet, 53 times

Decoder: One day to celebrate a planet, 53 times

More than half a century ago, the world began devoting one day a year to celebrate the earth. For Kathleen Rogers, that turned into a decades-long mission. Earth Day Network President Kathleen Rogers, right, looks on as actress Gabrielle Union, left, signs her name on...

In celebration of Earth Day (April 2023), we published an interview with Kathleen Rogers, president of Earth Day Network. Rogers emphasizes the importance of climate education and youth participation in ameliorating the climate crisis. Get your students involved in solutions-based actions in service of our planet.

Exercise: After reading the article, assign a climate profile task to students. Their goal: interview someone in their local community who has contributed to fighting climate change. What has this person done to promote sustainable actions? Students will then transcribe the interview and write a brief summary in a written assignment, using the News Decoder article as a model.  

Writing's on the Wall