Why don’t you rephrase that

Why don’t you rephrase that

First impressions are important. But with writing, the second draft is better. It helps to have an editor but sometimes you need to take on that role yourself. An editor has tightened up Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be” monologue. Illustration by...

Is that a fact?

Is that a fact?

It can be difficult to tell the difference between fact and opinion. And some things we consider true may not be true to all people. (Illustration by News Decoder) At News Decoder we are all about fact-based journalism.  That means that the information in a news story...

What’s your question?

What’s your question?

To get good stories you need to start with simple questions. The answers will be complicated. Reporters at a press conference raise their hands to ask a question. (Credit: Comstock) What’s your question? Journalists ask questions. Lots and lots and lots of questions....

In this piece, News Decoder editors help students develop a line of inquiry and questioning that can lead to solutions journalism. To get good stories, students should start with simple questions with big answers.

Exercise: After students read the article, have them brainstorm simple questions about the world around them that may lead to a great story. Perhaps students are curious about the options on their school lunch menu, or about why football is called “soccer” in some countries. Students should then consider who they may ask/interview to answer their question. This activity may be paired with a classroom writing assignment. If students produce a finished story, they are eligible to pitch the article to our team, with the possibility of publication on our site.

Tag: storytelling